A fortnight of dry taps for Budiriro residents

Budiriro residents have been going for two weeks without tap water

By Patronella Dhaure

Feb 24, 2024

Residents in Budiriro expressed their concerns about the water situation as they have gone for two weeks without running water.

They have resorted to the use of unsafe water for bathing,washing clothes and plates posing a risk of the spread of water borne diseases .

"In Budiriro we are nolonger safe,for the past two weeks,we have not received a drop of council water and our wells have dried up due to low rainfall this year owing to the El Nino phenomenon. We are now using Budiriro 2 bridge water to perform other household chores even though we know it has also become a waste dumping site for other people",said Mrs Takarindwa Chagweda.

Parks and bushes have now become toilets as people use them to answer nature's call due to lack of running water.

At the time the country is grappling with the cholera pandemic , council needs to meet the Budiriro residents halfway in maintaining a safe environment through ensuring that there is running water at least three times a week to ease the burden of these households.

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